Welcome! You have found public pages for the course PV168 Seminar in Java programming.

Course Goal

Testing The goal of this course is to extend the basic knowledge of Java and master its practical application in concrete team projects. The student will be able to appropriately decompose simple programming tasks and write robust code including automated tests. The student will get acquainted with basics of GUI development, multithreaded applications, fundamental APIs, and simple database (JDBC). After passing the course, the student is expected to be capable of designing and developing simple applications in Java. Furthermore, the student is also expected to know how to cooperate with colleagues during the development process.

Course schedule (table)

Week Seminars Lectures Project Extra
01 The Beginning Slides Form groups of four  
02 Employee Records 1 Slides Initial meeting with PM  
03 Employee Records 2 Slides    
04 Employee Records 3      
05     Milestone 1: GUI Design Team Leads meeting I
08     Milestone 2: Business logic, import, export Team Leads meeting II
11     Milestone 3: DB operations implemented  
13 no seminar Final lecture    
14-20     Milestone 4: Non-blocking GUI, project completion Team retrospective
16-22     Project presentations