Dear students, within the first week, form groups of four. It is necessary for the projects. Also join our Discord server.

Team Leads

Your team consists of four members, one of which is your team lead. The main responsibility of the team lead is to communicate with your tech lead (the lecturer) and your PM, mainly about planning meetings.

The very first task of the team lead is to send a list of the team members to both lecturers and PMs of the seminar. The tech leads then decide which group will be guided by which pair of tech lead and PM.

As a team lead, two extra activities are prepared for you. After the first and the second milestone, the lecturers of your seminars will provide you a workshop about how to lead a team, what you shall keep in mind and take care of, and similar.


Simply attend the labs in PC rooms, cooperate with your teammates on the project, contribute to the presentation of your project at the end of this course, and the green field is almost guaranteed.

In case you miss too many (more than 1) labs with no appropriate excuse, or you try to avoid working on the project, the red field is almost guaranteed.

Anything in the gray zone between those two cases will be evaluated individually. We do not want you to fail this course, but some rules need to be kept.

Description of PMs and Tech leads.

As a team, you will cooperate with and report your progress in the project to two “colleagues”: PM and Tech lead.


A person responsible for the specification of the project. This person is especially interested in the developed project, its functionalities, and usability. In case you are not sure what to do, you should ask your PM.

Tech lead

A person responsible for the quality of your project. This person is especially interested in the team culture of git commits, application design, and code readability. In case you are not sure how to do something, you should ask your Tech lead (after a solid preparation inside your group).

Furthermore, the Tech lead is also a lecturer, therefore such person is responsible for handling unpleasant situations such as collapse of the team and similar. If you think your teammates abandoned you, both of your arms are broken, or you lost your fingers, CONTACT YOUR TECH LEAD ASAP!