The following guide describes how to setup your Windows environment for Java development.


Install current version of Git VCS as described in the official docs for Windows

JVM Environment

There are two options of installing your development environment on windows – a regular installation of all the tool via windows installer or using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Although both are feasible approaches, WSL is an advanced feature and it is not recommended unless you are an experienced Windows user. This guide will provide information regarding the more traditional setup

Java Development Kit

You are probably already familiar with JDK – combination of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) required to run java applications and set of tools required for development of Java Application (such as javac, jar, Javadoc, etc…)

To install JDK 17 follow this tutorial

Apache Maven

Apache maven is a project management tool which takes care of dependency management and simplifies the build process of java application. It is the most used build tool for java application in use (Together with another tool called, these two are used by approximately 90% of all java projects).

To install Apache Maven, follow the installation guide which can be summarize to

  1. Get the distribution from the download site
  2. Unpack it
  3. Ensure that the bin directory of the extracted distribution is on the PATH

Once all the steps are completed, you should be able to use the following command in windows console/terminal

mvn -v

IntelliJ Idea IDE

First you will need a license (although there is also a free community edition available). As a student you can apply for a student license for all JetBrains products for free.

Once you have the license you can download the installation file for IntelliJ Idea Ultimate.