Task 0: Update your repository

For this seminar, you will work again with the same forked repository as previously. We assume you already have the upstream remote set from Seminar 03 (if not, please follow task 0.1 from that seminar).

Task 0.1: Update your main branch

First, you need to fetch new changes from the upstream repository and update your local main branch:

git switch main
git pull upstream main

Then you need to update the main branch in your forked repository:

git push origin main

Task 0.2: Create a new branch for this seminar

Again, each pair creates a new branch on a single computer as they are working together as one person during the seminar.

Pair 1 creates a new branch seminar04-pair1:

git switch -c seminar04-pair1

Pair 2 creates a new branch seminar04-pair2:

git switch -c seminar04-pair2

Task 1: Discover new changes

Since the last seminar, several changes have appeared in the repository. Let’s briefly look at the commits – what classes have been modified? Could you explain what you understand and what is unclear to you? First, discuss the questions within your team. Then, bring them up in the seminar room.

Task 2: Create Department Renderer

In the index of performed changes, the commit 1e1db8f9 introduced the GenderRenderer class. Get inspired by its usage and by its implementation in this task.

Implement and use a renderer of the Department class in the table. The format of the output shall be Number: Name.

When you are done with this task, do not forget to commit and push your changes.

Task 3: Create LocalDate Renderer

The warming continues. Implement and use a renderer of the LocalDate class in the table. The output format is up to you, so choose something reasonable.

Again, commit and push your changes when you are done.

Task 4: Implement Department Filtering

This task is slightly more challenging. You are obliged to add filtering by the department. It should behave in a similar manner as the filtering by the gender with a small extension – there should be two special values.

The first shall be displayed as (ALL) with gray color. As the label suggests, no restrictions are applied when this option is selected. The second special value NO_NERD should filter out all departments which are IT related. In our case, this means the 007: IT department should not be displayed.

Hint: the easiest way to accomplish this task is to follow the traces of how the gender filtering for the employee table was added. Feel free to discover which commit introduced that change.

Task 4.1: Multiple Selection

When you are done, try to exchange the ComboBox for a small List to allow multiple selection. Only few lines of code should be modified in order to replace FilterComboboxBuilder with FilterListModelBuilder.

Task 5: Explore the final product of Employee Records application

Here, download the application, run, import the dataset, and explore the final version of the application we are working on this semester. What features have you discovered?

$ wget https://pv168.pages.fi.muni.cz/data/employee-records-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ wget https://pv168.pages.fi.muni.cz/data/employees.csv
$ java -jar employee-records-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Task 5.1: Discuss the Architectural Requirements

With the respect to all the presented functionality, think within the team about how to organize the code. Will your design be able to connect to a database? Will you easily support export? What about transactional import? (Warning: transactional import introduces nontrivial requirements to the codebase.)

Feel free to ask your tutor, draw a sketch of your ideas. We will get to them at the beginning of the next seminar.