Course Summary
What have you experienced?
- Let’s try to remember what has happened in PV168
- What do you think about the real purpose of all that?
Programming is hard
- It’s not that difficult to fulfill
- compiler’s rules
- current requirements
- However, it’s a completely different game
- when other people are involved
- and requirements evolve over time
Essential vs. Accidental Complexity
- Essential complexity is integral part of the problem
- cannot be eliminated completely
- can only be minimized
- Accidental complexity is what we add to the problem
- by using inefficient tools
- by using inefficient methodologies
- by obscuring the intent in the code
Naming things is hard
- Good names reveal the intent (semantics)
- not the data type used (e.g.
- not the physical position (e.g.
- Good names lie in the problem domain
- not in the solution domain (Computer Science “jargon”)
- Naming things remain hard
- Naming is an incremental process
Structure matters
- The same problem can typically be represented in many different forms
- Some of them are better than the others
- Deciphering bad structure is not what you want to do
Interactions with PMs are tough
- Nothing is as evident/unambiguous as demos
- misunderstanding are clearly identifiable
- corrective actions can be planned
- It’s better to demo
- less functionality but actually working
- stuff you know why it’s there
- “When in doubt, leave it out” (Josh Bloch)
- missing things are easy to spot
Functionality vs. Graphics
- Functionality is important to have first
- Graphics is also important but not at first
- investing into it too early is typically waste
- developers are seldom good visual designers
Duplicity is the Root of all Evil
- Similarity is not necessarily duplicity
- Magic numbers and string literals are almost always evil
- in production code you have to use constants
- however, in tests the situation is different
- Repeated code blocks of the same semantics are always evil
Refactoring is hard
- We need to have solid test suite in order to do it safely
- Keeping increments small is tough and non-intuitive
- What you typically do is Rewriting instead
Team work is hard
- You’ve typically optimized the amount of code produced
- Bus factor remains low
- In PV168 the thing to optimize is the amount of stuff learned
- In the industry you have to optimize the amount of functionality
- For really difficult parts it’s wise to go in tandem
- “Doctors never operate alone” (Michael Feathers)
- Camera turned on is a must for on-line cooperation
Copy & Paste can be dangerous
- Unless you know what you’re doing
- When using sources such as Stack Overflow, Geeks for Geeks
- you need to understand the difference in context
- adapt the proposal to your specific case
- and get to know the details to be able to defend the solution
Law of the Instrument
If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat
everything as if it were a nail. (Abraham Maslow)
- Especially newly gained tools/techniques tend to be “hammers”
- Not a single thing is ultimately good for everything
- You always need to think in context
Source Code is Text
- Programming by mouse isn’t efficient
- it’s not accurate enough
- it’s not fast enough
- it’s exhausting your mental capacity
- Programming is only a craft
- not a science neither an art
- Craftsmen have good tools and operate them efficiently
- keyboard is the ideal tool for programmers
- IDE is the ideal tool for programmers
Thank you for your hard work!
You’ve learnt a lot about programming already.