
Logging, Errors and Transactions

General debugging

  • What is your go-to debugging method?
  • Basic printed statements
  • Debugger

General debugging

  • Printed statements are the easiest
  • Don't even require much knowledge of the language
  • Often effective for simple problems
static void transferMoney(User user1, User user2, int amount) {
    SomethingChecker.checkSomething(user1, user2);
    System.out.println("Did we get here?");

General debugging

  • Debugger is the most powerful
  • Not always trivial to set up
  • Generally want to avoid having to use it

Errors & Exceptions

  • Expected runtime exceptions (e.g. input validation, file not found, incorrect access rights...)
  • Unexpected runtime exceptions (e.g. ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)
  • Unexpected unrecoverable errors (e.g. NoClassDefFoundError, OutOfMemoryError, IllegalAccessError)

Errors & Exceptions

  • Error and Exception are subclasses of Throwable
  • Indication that an unusual situation happened
  • Errors not to be handled, thrown by JVM
  • Exceptions handleable - Java has predefined Exceptions (SQLException, FileNotFoundException...)

Errors & Exceptions

  • You can make your own by extending the Exception class:

public class IncorrectFileNameException extends Exception {
  public IncorrectFileNameException(String errorMessage) {
  • Then throw it in a fitting situation:

try {
    // Attempt to do something where incorrect file name can be inputted.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    if (!isCorrectFileName(fileName)) {
        throw new IncorrectFileNameException("Incorrect filename : " + fileName);
    // Continue handling the situation.
} finally {
    // Do this in any case.

try {
    // Attempt to do something where incorrect file name can be inputted.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    if (!isCorrectFileName(fileName)) {
        throw new IncorrectFileNameException("Incorrect filename : " + fileName, e);
    // Continue handling the situation.
} finally {
    // Do this in any case.

Errors & Exceptions

  • Handling exceptions should not serve to simply prevent the application from crashing.
  • Errors and exceptions should thrown in appropriate situations.
  • The message should be informative.
  • The goal is to make debugging as easy as possible.


  • A more sophisticated approach to tracking what is happening with the code and data.
  • Can be outputted to the console, persisted in a file or re-directed to any other I/O stream.
  • Again, the point is to make debugging easier.


  • Events should be labeled with an appropriate level:
    • TRACE - the most granular information; used to "trace" the path through the code (line level)
    • DEBUG - variable value and other information of interest to the dev, not the admin (method level)
    • INFO - general statements about what the application is doing (feature level)


  • WARN - statement about a potentially risky action (e.g. config file not found, using a backup server...)
  • ERROR - something actually went wrong
  • FATAL - something went so wrong the application needs to shut down
  • Logs can be filtered based on that.
  • Watch out for size of the log file!


  • Java has a custom java.util.logging package.
  • Allows for creation, filtering, memory handling and basic formatting of logs

source: Oracle.com

public class Bank {
  // Obtain a logger object.
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("cz.muni.fi.bank");
  public static void main(String args[]) {
      // Log a TRACE level message
    logger.fine("Describing what I'm doing in detail.");
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      // Log the exception
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot withdraw the inputted amount.", ex);


  • Can be configured to an extent.
  • Handlers can be set up for writing of logs to different streams.
  • FileHandler, StreamHandler, ConsoleHandler, SocketHandler...
public static void main(String[] args) {
  Handler fileHandler = new FileHandler("%t/bank.log");


  • The default Java logger is okay for basic use cases.
  • Several logging frameworks generally used for finer control and extra features (e.g. automatic reloading of config files, graceful recovery from IO failures, better performance...)
  • E.g.: Log4J 2, Logback, SLF4J...


  • As external packages logging frameworks need to be included in your POM.xml.



  • Log4J is configured using the log4j2.xml.
  • The end-user needs to define an appender, which contains information about the output stream, formatting...
  <File name="logger" fileName="output-file.log" append="true">
      <Pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %p %m%n</Pattern>
  • %d - date pattern, %p - log level, %m - message, %n - new line


  • And then enable it by including it among Loggers:
  <Root level="error">
    <AppenderRef ref="logger"/>


  • Usage is similar to the default Java logger:
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;

public class Something {

    private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(Something.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        logger.debug("Debug log message");
        logger.info("Info log message");
        logger.error("Error log message");


  • Transactions are a way of preserving consistency in data.
  • They ensure that when we are making a change in data, that we will either do it correctly or not at all.


  • ACID principles:
    • Atomicity - a transaction cannot be broken into smaller parts; either the whole action is completed or it is not done at all
    • Consistency - a transaction cannot being in or end in an invalid state
    • Isolation - a transaction is always done one at a time
    • Durability - once the transaction is finished, it stays finished forever (e.g. saved to disk)


  • The operation takes Runnable as an argument.
  • Runnable object is an executable block of code, similar to Main.
  • All calls in the block are executed or none of them are.
public void importData(String filePath) {
  transactionExecutor.executeInTransaction(() -> 
        // delete data       
        // validate import data
        // import all data       