- Visual part of software
- Allows user to interact with computer
- Buttons, icons, menus VS text nased
Key elements
- Graphical elements - buttons, input fields, scrollbars
- Visual hierarchy - guiding the user
- Feedback mechanisms - confirmations, notifications
Why does PV168 begin with GUI?
- Top-down vs. bottom-up approach
- Top-down
- Early value for users of the application
- Fast convergence
- Bottom-up
- Deep dive into technical details first
- It takes long before we can show anything to users
GUI creation process
- It starts with a feature
- Functionality is specified with UI
- UI is specified by the functionality
- Wireframes
User Experience (UX) role
- Person responsible for look & feel
- Creative role
- Hard to do without talent
- Sometimes tied up too tight to product
UX vs. Developer
- Ideas can be too ambitious
- Developer wants to make it work
- UX wants to make it pleasant to use
Frontend - Backend - Full-stack
- Frontend
- mostly JS, various frameworks, CSS
- Backend
- Full-stack
- We never know who will use our application
- Text in pictures
- Contrast
A / B testing
- You probably participated and you didn’t even realize it
- Not really a testing
- UX utility
Dark Side of the UX
- Selling must be fast
- Ads placement
- Exclamation marks
- Red colors, danger
Patterns …
… and anti-patterns
Creating GUI for group project
- Use pen and paper
- Make sure the whole team is on the same page
- Keep it simple
- Desktop application
- Mobile application
- screen size constraints
- touch based
- Web interfaces
- responsiveness
- web standards HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Do not try to reinvent the wheel
- Look what works and what is popular
Interaction design
- User flow
- Personas and user journeys