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Introduction to PV168

Course Information

1) Seminar groups 2) Project 3) Workshops for team leads 4) Lectures (optional)

Seminar Groups


Project Schedule

1) Initial GUI 2) The basics of the business logic 3) The persistence

Team Lead


1) After the first milestone


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Git Culture

Git Commits

Git Commits


Feature Branches

Merge Requests & Code Reviews

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Apache Maven

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Distribution Intermezzo

What does it take to build, distribute & run java application?

What are the distribution options?

What is Maven

Maven’s Goals

  1. Making the build process eas(y/ier)
  2. Providing a uniform build system
  3. Providing quality project information
  4. Encouraging better development practices

Maven What?

  1. Describes how to build your project via POM file descriptor
  2. Allows you to define useful metadata about your project
  3. Provides dependency management
  4. There are reasonable defaults

Project structure

|- src
    |- main
        |- java
        |- resources
    |- test
        |- java
        |- resources
|- pom.xml

Project Object Model



Maven Dependencies

POM Example

Let’s look at full pom.xml

Maven Alternatives

“I don’t like it, what are the other options?”